The World
1. Lysima
Across the vastness of Lysima, countless empires and cultures stretch out in a constant competition for power and influence. While some rely on steam engines and mechanics, others trust in a magic that feeds on the deepest emotions of the beings of this world. In the midst of these rival factions and cultures, there are also those who move beyond these struggles and seek their own destiny. Who knows what incredible challenges and breathtaking discoveries await those who embark on the dangerous and exciting journey through the world of Lysima?
1.1. Moons
Lysima is accompanied on its journey through the universe by two moons: Mirum and Corvus.
Mirum can be seen every night and goes through a monthly cycle of waxing and waning.
Corvus, on the other hand, is in a very eccentric orbit around Lysima, which is why it changes its size frequently. For a long time it is little more than a red dot in the sky. However, every now and then its size outshines that of Mirum by a lot when it comes closest to the planet at perigee.
The two moons constantly affect each other, which changes the orbit of Corvus. Depending on the approach, this becomes Mirum sometimes a little longer and sometimes a little shorter, depending on how close it gets to Mirum. The orbital periods of Corvus therefore varies a lot over history from a few months to many years.
1.2. Continents
The map is interactive. Click on one of the continents to go to its page.

The known world consists of 4 continents.
The continent Afrat is the hub of many world political events. From the icy cold northern tip, to the tropical forest in the south, from the Nistrian Empire, with its gigantic machinery, to Salia with their powerful elemental magical, everything can be found here.
The continent of Mefos was long considered a rumour. After its discovery by the nistrian academy, however, the race for the colonisation of the continent began, with the Nistrian Empire far ahead.
Not much is known about the desert continent, Chutral. A large part of the area is covered by deserts and savannahs. From the east, the continent is shielded by a massive mountain range.
The continent Ilum is surrounded by all kinds of myths. Characterised by constant volcanic activity, the landmass is difficult to inhabit. According to seafarers, the sea around Ilum is cursed as many ships have gone missing there.
1.3. The seas
The sea between Afrat and Mefos is known as the Tyrian Sea. It is covered in hundreds of small and large islands, on which countless small trading empires have formed. Their wealth attracts a lot of pirates to the area.
The seas around, and especially within, Mefos are known as the Stormy Maw. The winds are unpredictable and the currents often torrentially strong. Only the invention of airships has made it possible to cross these seas.
Most of the time there is a north-south current on the seas, bringing cold water from the north along the the deserts of Chutral and the tropics of Mefos and create a temperate climate around the south of Afrats.
At irregular intervals, however, these currents turn into a south-north flow. When and for how long this happens is unpredictable. The reason is also unknown.
During periods of south-north flow, warm water is increasingly driven towards the northern pole, which heats up the north of Afrats, but cools down the south of the continent.
2. Playable Species
Each character belongs to one of three species. The choice of species determines the character's natural strengths and weaknesses. Furthermore it influences how other people in the game world react to the character.
For a first overview, the different species are briefly described below and important characteristics are explained. Each of the summaries links to a more detailed page of the respective species. On that page, special game mechanics are described that apply to each species.
2.1. Dyr

Dyr is a collective term for a diverse range of intelligent animal creatures, who have evolved from their wild ancestors and are capable of forming their own cultures and societies. Dyr who live isolated from society in small packs, are often very wild and very much follow their instincts. However, the more they live together in societies, the more their wild nature recedes into the background. However, it can never be completely suppressed.
Dyr usually live in groups that are descended from the same animal species. Dyr societies then consist of several such groups, living together in a certain natural balance, but not free from conflict.
Like their animal predecessors, Dyr are very well adapted to their habitat. This adaptability makes them one of the most widespread species. Their instincts are the basis for their survival, but also for great conflicts between different species.
As Dyr are very emotional, it is easy for them to have enough emotions for magic. Due to their impulsive nature however, it is more difficult for them to use this magic as they wish. Most Dyr use magic rather subconsciously.
Dyr also inherit physical strengths from their animal ancestors. These include, for example, sharp claws, the ability to jump far, a thick, cold-resistant pelt or night vision. The wilder a Dyr is, the more pronounced these abilities are, which gives them an enormous advantage in combat, but makes it much more difficult for them to move in societies without attracting attention.
The contradictory polarity between animal instincts and civilised behaviour is one of the most important reasons why it is considered babarish among the more civilised dyr-species to indulge in their animal instincts. In turn, some pack leaders propagate a return to the origins and an establishment of the natural order for this very reason.
A dyr often wears his character on the outside. Most Dyr are therefore easy to assess.
2.2. Humans

Humans do not have natural physical advantages, such as night vision or a protective shell. What they lack in physical strengths, they make up for in two of their most important strengths: Innovation and creativity.
Everything about humans revolves around science and technology. There are merchants who use steam-powered transport machines to carry their goods over thousands of kilometres, military battalions that can launch devastating aerial attacks using massive airships, farmers who use assist machines or harvesters to increase their yields, entire flying cities, that can adjust their position to the current world political situation and many more technical wonders.
In addition, humans have a whole range of mechanical body modifications with which they can improve or completely replace their own body parts. This is particularly useful since many people work in huge factories where, in the event of an accident at work, you can quickly lose a body part. The more money you have at your disposal, the more additional functions such a prosthesis can have.
Many of the inventions are adapted to human needs. Other species therefore find it extremely difficult to find appliances that suit them. Also, outside human realms, access to important innovations, such as steam or crystal-powered engines, is scarce. Humans know how to protect their technical knowledge from outsiders.
As most humans take a very scientific approach to the world, it is impossible for many of them to work magic. Only those who are not so deeply rooted in a scientific way of thinking, or who can separate themselves from it are able to use magic at all.
2.3. Tipu

Tipu are plant beings. Each tipu is part of a large cycle and fulfils a special role in it. A tree elder, for example, can guard the knowledge of the past and help in times of need with his enormous experience or a hunter who roams the forest and fights pests that can harm his forest.
The tools a tipu can use also come from the realm of plants. Some make use of their breathtaking beauty, rely on spores that can drive their victim crazy or grow thorny vines to keep a firm grip on their prey.
In the shadows and darkness, mushrooms spin out their network. They can quickly absorb a variety of natural resources, making them both powerful symbionts and dangerous parasites. Tipu are not only found on land, some also live underwater, where they settle in dense algae forests or one of the numerous coral reefs.
Tipu show few emotions themselves, which makes it more difficult for a Tipu to work magic. They must join forces with others to have enough emotions available to use magic. In contrast to Dyr and humans Tipu find it easier to consciously use magic the way they want.
Each tipu begins its life as a seed that emerges from a flower that is pollinated by a plant. Therefore, a tipu is a combination of its ancestors and a local plant species.
Many Tipu have the ability to communicate with plants. They can sow plants in a suitable environment, grow them quickly and then use them to their advantage. A tipu can also grow plants from its own body, provided it is well enough nourished. All these abilities become stronger the older and more plant-like a Tipu is.
Tipu are often misunderstood by Dyr and humans. Even though some young Tipu look very human, their way of thinking often works fundamentally differently. It is therefore difficult to judge a Tipu based on its appearance. Particularly fearsome looking Tipu, often turn out to be loving fellows, while the most beautiful tipu are often a trap for the unwary adventurer.