The Humans

Humans have often had difficulties in history to defend themselves against the physically superior Dyr or the Tipu with their plant control.
The final answer to these problems was science and progress. With the help of powerful machines and mechanical weapons, humans could compensate for their physical weaknesses.
Most humans live in Nistria and its colonies.
1. Strengths and weaknesses
Humans approach many problems in a very rational and organised way. Through the creation of huge bureaucratic systems, humans are able to pool the resources of thousands and create a vast empire like Nistria, which dominates large parts of Afrat.
Humans are very focussed on science and technology. It is therefore not too difficult for a human player to get their hands on mechanical toys such as prosthetics, weapons or vehicles.
1.1. Mechanical aids

The Nistrian Academy researches all kinds of aparatuses. Be it weapons, prostheses or mechanical means of transport.
Weapons range from small handguns to powerful energy cannons. Small handguns are not available in semi-automatic form, but must be cocked for each shot. Better mechanisms are only available for larger weapons.
Prostheses range from a simple replacement of existing body parts to improvements such as:
- stronger arms/legs
- mechanical eyes that can sense heat, for example
- Exoskeletons to support the body
Mechanical means of transport range from the small spider-like Latura units to simple steam-powered automobiles to massive airships with crews of several thousand men or dangerous combat automatons.
1.2. Biological Modifications

In eastern Nistria, a lot of research is being done on biological modifications. In detail, it is about implanting body parts and organs of Dyr into humans in order to gain the advantages of the respective species.
However, this branch of research is still young and not highly regarded in western Nistria. If a player character comes from Eastern Nistria, they can use it to access the corresponding body modifications.
It is possible to exchange limbs such as arms and legs or sensory organs such as ears and eyes. However, the operations for this are very complicated and the character is then dependent on certain medications to prevent the body from rejecting the corresponding parts.
2. The character of humans
Humans always try to explore and understand everything around them. They rarely resolve conflicts through direct confrontation, but rely on their social systems, such as courts and police authorities.
However, this does not mean that humans do not harm each other. This usually only happens in a much more indirect way, by making false claims against each other or by damaging each other's reputations through rumours.
Administrators are particularly feared, as they know exactly which forms they have to fill out or "lose" in order to cause maximum damage to their opponent.
Particularly notorious are cases in which administrators fight downright bureaucratic battles with other on the backs of the unsuspecting population.
3. Humans and magic
Magic is a force that cannot be analysed or understood. Nevertheless, this does not stop humanity from trying, but the more they try to grasp the essence of magic rationally, the more slippery it becomes and thus only harder to understand and harder to cast.
Most people are therefore unable to work magic. This is despite the fact that they often have no problem mustering the necessary energy due to their emotional nature.
For a human to be able to work magic, they have to free themselves from the scientific way of thinking, which is taught in Nistria from an early age.
In Nistria, however, magic is not looked upon too favourably, as mages have a tendency to lose their sanity. A mage therefore needs a special licence in Nistria to avoid ending up behind bars. Nistria also has machines that are capable of disrupting the use of magic.
4. Human cultures
4.1. Nistria
Most people live in Nistria. They make up 98% of the population there. Dyr and Tipu are not welcome there.
However, this is also the easiest place for humans to obtain weapons or prostheses.
4.2. Tyrian League
The Tyrian Sea is home to many humans who have not grown up integrated into Nistrian culture.
They are often cunning and experimental, but do not have the same problems with working magic as the Nistrians have.
4.3. Nistrian colonies on Mefos
The people on Mefos have grown up in the Nistrian culture, but as the population there is only 75% human, it is much more normal for them to be confronted with Dyr or Tipu.
The extreme rejection of both species is largely limited to the members of the Academy. However, this does not mean that there are no reservations towards other species, they are just not as fundamental as in mainland Nistria.